Monday, December 15, 2014

Google Tip: Protect a Range or Sheet

So I have shared a Google Sheets document with some colleagues and want them to be able to edit it, cool, easy enough.  Just share with them and give them 'editing' rights.  Then I find that one of the users has edited something they shouldn't have, by mistake (the Sheet had shared login and passwords on it).  Luckily I had the password written in another place, but I thought, 'how do I stop this from happening again without taking away the right to edit?'.

AH HA! Google has thought of this as well!  Protect a Range or Sheet

Using the protect a range function I highlighted the 8 cells that I didn't want anyone to edit and set the rights for those specific cells.  The teachers can still edit all of the other information on that page, but not the usernames and passwords.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

MERGE CELLS in Google Docs tables!!!!

In speaking with different teachers and other staff members about shifting from keeping all of our documents on the file server to using Google Apps for most of our content, I have found that a lot of the resistance comes from the less than extensive capabilities of Docs and Sheets compared to Microsoft Word and Excel. One of the gripe worthy misgivings of Google Docs is the inability to merge cells in a table.  Well gripe no more! You can now Merge Away!

Google will continue to make their Apps better and more functional as different needs arise with their users.