Monday, December 15, 2014

Google Tip: Protect a Range or Sheet

So I have shared a Google Sheets document with some colleagues and want them to be able to edit it, cool, easy enough.  Just share with them and give them 'editing' rights.  Then I find that one of the users has edited something they shouldn't have, by mistake (the Sheet had shared login and passwords on it).  Luckily I had the password written in another place, but I thought, 'how do I stop this from happening again without taking away the right to edit?'.

AH HA! Google has thought of this as well!  Protect a Range or Sheet

Using the protect a range function I highlighted the 8 cells that I didn't want anyone to edit and set the rights for those specific cells.  The teachers can still edit all of the other information on that page, but not the usernames and passwords.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

MERGE CELLS in Google Docs tables!!!!

In speaking with different teachers and other staff members about shifting from keeping all of our documents on the file server to using Google Apps for most of our content, I have found that a lot of the resistance comes from the less than extensive capabilities of Docs and Sheets compared to Microsoft Word and Excel. One of the gripe worthy misgivings of Google Docs is the inability to merge cells in a table.  Well gripe no more! You can now Merge Away!

Google will continue to make their Apps better and more functional as different needs arise with their users.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Blogging for Learning

Some of our teachers at St. Francis have begun to use Blogs to enrich learning.  Their students are creating blogs as if they were a character from the book, The Outsiders, that they have been reading. The first thing I noticed as I was helping out with the set up of the blogs, was how engaged the students were with the technology and even more so with the content of the book.  They(most of them) were immediately taken into the mindset of the character that they were writing as, whether that be by beginning to write posts, looking for pictures to accompany their posts, or choosing layout and themes for their site that best create the mood of their character.

I hope that the students continue to demonstrate the benefits of blogging to their learning throughout this unit.

This is from a blog that I subscribe to called Langwitches, written by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano.  The diagram she has created does a nice job of showing what keys to learning are happening and when within the cycle of blog writing.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Poppy's Timeline 

If you are looking for an alternative for the static, hand-drawn, poster-board timelines of yesteryear here is an excellent option for your students.  TimeGlider

I found that some of the other online timeline creators were not that user-friendly, crashed, or lacked in their capabilities.  The free version of TimeGlider is sleek, user-friendly, and has a lot of capabilities.  The paid version has even more, but is unnecessary for most purposes.

One of the biggest issues I was having with other web-based timeline software was that they would only allow you to upload photos that were being web-hosted by another program(Flickr, PhotoBucket...) and not from your files on your computer.  Since I don't have a web-hosting photo program it made creating a timeline quite difficult.  TimeGlider allows you to upload from either a web-host or from your own computer.

The other big benefit is the ease of linking youtube or vimeo videos to your  timeline.  However it only displays as a link.  It would much cooler if you could imbed the video into the timeline.

Another nice feature of TimeGlider is that once you have created the timeline you can share it publicly either in a link, as in the one at the top called Poppy's Timeline, or imbed the timeline into your website or blog as seen at the top.  The only real issue I'm having with this is to see the pictures in the embedded timeline the reader has to drag the bottom line, that says "this is the image lane" up

 Happy Timelining!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Article Response "Start a Reading Revolution: Flip Your Class With Blogs"

Start a Reading Revolution: Flip Your Class With Blogs

I was just reading this article and felt a strong connection to the kids comments about having books chosen for us and having to come up with these "feelings" that the text was supposed to draw out of us.  I never read the books that were assigned, or at least not in their entirety.  I was a slow reader and thought that books were not for me.  Then a friend lent me The Celestine Prophecy when I was in high school and it changed my viewpoint about reading.  It was my choice and that made all the difference.  I had the opportunity to connect to the text.  

I think the author hits the nail on the head about the power of blogs to transform learning in these two ways:

"The blogs add a maker mentality, stirring the imagination to create, design, and tinker." 

This makes the student the owner of their learning.  They are not just responding to someone else's work, they are creating their own and this is something that they can feel a sense of pride from.

"Once students publish a post, their writing passes the four walls of the classroom and exists to the world. This puts their work "out there," and that changes how they approach their writing." 

When we know other people are going to see or there is a possibility of a whole lot of people seeing our work, an internal drive turns on and says "I better make this good".  Not only does this promote better writing but it helps students find and develop their own voice.

Let's start a conversation in our school about students being able to publish their work.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

You Can Book Me

I've just created an account enabling anyone to book an appointment with me.  For teachers this may be for 1 on 1 help with any software, hardware, or curricular help you may want to  discuss involving technology, meetings with year groups for planning, or any other groups requesting a meeting or tutorial on any technology integration subject.

One of my goals as an ed. tech integration specialist, was to be a bookable resource and this app has made it so easy.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Wow Google is Cool!

Before coming to Brasil I had never used the Google Apps to any extent other than doing Google Searches ("Just Google it" is the now definitive ending to any disagreement).  It seems that a lot of people are in the same boat as me.  I have been spending some time going through the brilliant and easily accessible tutorials of the Google suite through Google for Education.  There is so much more that can be done than finding out what the one armed drummer of Def Leppard's name is.
I'm not sure which came first Google Apps or Google for Education, but Google Apps are suited perfectly for use in schools.  The abilities to collaborate, communicate, organize and inspire are all tied seamlessly together.

The Core Apps of Google are built on the need for collaboration and they are a good place to get started using Google.  They are:
Google Drive
Google Docs
Google Calendar
Google Sites
and Google Search

In subsequent posts we'll look at the ways to use these different apps to enrich learning, engage students, and organize everything.

Friday, October 31, 2014

What I want to be able to do as an Educational Technology Integrator

I've been reading a lot of what other tech integration specialists are doing in their schools and it all looks so fantastic.  There are so many ways to use technology in the classroom to support teaching and learning that it can be difficult to know where to start.  I thought it would be important to write out what I want to be and do in the school community, then start taking the steps to make these ideals a reality.

I want to be Inspiring and Inspired : The whole draw for me with technology is that it is inspiring.  Students and teachers are able to see significant growth through ever changing means.  I want to, through my own practice, demonstrate to teachers that they have the capabilities to fully engage their students and enrich learning.

I want to be a Resource and a Resourcer (maybe a resorcerer) : Once the system is set up, I'd like to be a bookable resource that teachers can schedule for 1-to-1 training or curriculum consultation, for individual class lessons on Internet Safety, Digital Citizenship... where I am leading the class, co-teaching, or supporting the class teacher.  I also see myself spending a good amount of time researching apps, hardware, teaching techniques... that will help teachers enhance their lessons.

I want to be a Connector : I do not hold all of the knowledge about every app or piece of equipment that will be used in our school, but there are experts all around us.  I think it is a critical aspect that I am finding the abilities, previous experience, and passions of the staff in order to reach towards our goal of creating a community of learners.  I'm really looking forward to finding out teachers strengths and helping them connect with teachers who may not have these strengths but are looking for ways to be develop their own teaching practice.

I want to Continually be Learning : I want learn how to code, I want understand the games that the students are playing, I want to take Google Educator courses online, I want to explore different apps ... because if we demonstrate a passion for learning our students soak these attitudes in and there is just too much out there for us not to strive to know as much as we can.

I hope to be these things and I'm sure more will arise through this experience.

The Resorcerer,

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

First day (OK second) as Educational Technology Integrator

Oct 28, 2014

Today is my second day on the job as … um … Educational Tech… Technology Planner… Ideas Man… not quite sure, I don't have an official title yet.  From what I’ve gleamed, it is my job to think about everything that the school has done, is doing, and will do with technology.  It’s a lot to think about.  I’ve been sort of jumping around from task to task, window to window, trying to get my head around where to really start.  Do I look at what options are available 1-1 or not 1-1, tablets for Primary or Smartboards or both?  Do I find out what capabilities and interests teachers have?  Do I start comparing different laptops or sourcing and pricing iPads in Brasil?  The answer is “Yes” all of these, but first we as a school need to have a vision and a focus that we as teachers can be inspired by and the administration are inspired to support. 

It has been a bit of a smash between going down memory lane, with names like Alan November coming into conversations and a climbing up the ladder from technological depravity.  It has been seven years since I was first inspired to be a 21st century educator, but I had stopped following the trends, to an extent, and focused on home life and other pursuits.  It is a fantastic feeling coming back to thinking and writing  and discussing pedagogy again without having to worry about what the next three classes, that are back to back, are going to come with let alone what I need to give them.  

Tomorrow I am going to start my day with some educational inspiration.